View Full Version : mk1b rear strut brace

13-07-2007, 00:13
cuz i think they look bling lol......

anyone know where i can get one from? or maybe someone could make me one? *cough*cough*

13-07-2007, 09:42
cuz i think they look bling lol......

anyone know where i can get one from? or maybe someone could make me one? *cough*cough*

The one I have is far from bling as it's simply a black rectangular bar spanning the engine compartment. Available from FRA on the Mk1 Club site. I thik they have some pics up there somewhere.

Otherwise cusco from fleabay.

13-07-2007, 11:39
What they cost?

Was looking at Mr Sherry's that Paul built and it looks fairly straight forward if you can weld.

13-07-2007, 13:12
FRA ones are £45 delivered IIRC.

Even have a little bracket for your engine lid prop.

13-07-2007, 18:02
good deal :thumbsup:

13-07-2007, 18:08
thats cheaper than i was expecting lol, cheers guys

13-07-2007, 18:11
cuz i think they look bling lol......


Methinks you should give up the MK1 and go and get yourself a nice MK2 :hidesbehi


13-07-2007, 19:54
mine is an adapted supra one! £12 from the font of all goodness:hidesbehi lol

13-07-2007, 20:08
Arg, you and your code. What the hell is FRA and where`s the link!! :)

I made up one for the front. Took me 3 hours making 2 circles, drill holes, find steel bar, weld, done! Not sure about space in the rear with the 3s in there though. Would be helpful now that i cut the entire rear to peices:)

£45 is a good price though for one.

13-07-2007, 22:37
mine is an adapted supra one! £12 from the font of all goodness:hidesbehi lol

pray tell kind sir

13-07-2007, 23:38
Shorty, Fast Road Automobiles - (EDIT: website doesn't work... doesn't look like they have one at the moment, doesn't come up on Google either... Hmmm... If no one beats me to it, I'll try to dig out an email address or phone number tomorrow)
As said, John Light is the person to contact.

Considered making one myself when I originally was told the cost of a Cusco one. But I have a long list of 'things to do' and that was pretty much at the bottom, so looking either for a Cusco one myself (missed a couple on ebay... :( ) or will probably get the one from FRA myself as well...

I finally found out what people meant by wibbly-wobbly feeling of the T-bars last month and since then have basically added the rear strut brace to the shopping list. Sure I know it won't get rid of that feeling, but it's bound to help...

13-07-2007, 23:50
Hehe. thx Monkey:)

14-07-2007, 00:03
how much is a cusco one? new or used?