View Full Version : air filter warning!!!!!

11-04-2007, 22:06
i was replacing the plenum chamber on the v6 today with one that adamh had powder coated for me , so was merrily taking bits apart to swap over onto the new one and there was a tinny type rattling sound as i was moving it around. tooks the acis valve off on the end and found this inside !!!!!!


on further inspection it was the centre of the cone air filter that had been sucked in the chamber through the throttle body! just as well it didnt do any damage:hand: so give your filter a check just to make sure guys!!:thumbsup:

11-04-2007, 22:16
thats reet bad Al!

11-04-2007, 22:30
i dont think it has a brand name- it was a aftermarket one paul got for me when i first had the conversion done, so perhaps paul may know. been on the car for nearly a year so perhaps that is all its good for?

11-04-2007, 23:44
This isn't the first after-market air filter failure we've seen either so just maybe it's worth sticking to the named brands:rant:


Paul Woods
12-04-2007, 07:50
shit,thats the last one of those i ever use! the brand is RACE X,cheap filters but never had a prob with them before,i stopped using RACE X last year anyway and ive got a new supplier....thats not good though al!

12-04-2007, 08:02
good heads up!, could have blocked a passage aswell like a plug. now firing on all 6!.

12-04-2007, 09:45
I like 'Green' filters ... top stuff, and come in virtually every size and shape you could want!