View Full Version : Second time around..

23-02-2012, 16:05
As some of you may know, my V6 had an unfortunate end to it thanks to some twonk!

Anyway, you may also have read instead of breaking the car, that my dad decided to have the car and rebuild the engine. So here we are, a second time around.

The first time around, the engine had a rebore, OS pistons and rings, new bottom end bearings, polished crank and refurbed heads.

When we stripped the engine down, we inspected the bored to find scoring in the vertical position from the sand grains. Luckily for us they weren't too sever and the bores only required honing. There was no sand round in the oil so we have the rings to thank for that! The engine was sent off to have the heads once again cleaned, refurbed and checked for sand and the bored rezoned and new rings, bearings (just to be safe) and polished crank again. We now have the engine back and have starting building her up.

Now time for the pictures to tell the story..

Engine black, totally stripped and cleaned and lovely!

http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/421008_10150576178026270_568401269_9378876_7192606 47_n.jpg

Some lovely new shiny bearings..

http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/420137_10150576177896270_568401269_9378872_3634667 87_n.jpg
http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/432324_10150576177761270_568401269_9378868_1170247 159_n.jpg

Polished crank (before final clean)

http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/409472_10150576177956270_568401269_9378874_1580649 09_n.jpg


http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/428629_10150576177686270_568401269_9378866_7636375 06_n.jpg

Main bearing cap installed..

http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/423608_10150576177641270_568401269_9378865_1540371 96_n.jpg

We have installed the pistons.. no images fro that though. His a snag when we came to install the final piston, crank wouldn't turn when the piston reached the top. Took it out checked clearances and all seamed to be fine. Re-installed and turns over fine now.

23-02-2012, 16:55
was it turned over after each beaing install and was there assmble oil used an did u use the engineer playdough for bearihgs or was it all ground up by and engineering place who matched the bearings to there grinds .

suspect the shell was not quite in place ?


23-02-2012, 17:44
Yeah we turned them over as each went in. Engineering place matched up the bearings and assembly lube is being used. It was most probably the bearing not being seated correctly. The engineer took the con rod back to check if it was bent but it was fine.


23-02-2012, 18:22
Glad to see you're getting it back together!

28-02-2012, 21:33
good job steve.

28-02-2012, 22:04
Glad your getting it back together such a shame to let such a nice car go, oh and do you still have those bits I gave you to cover as my birthdays coming and I feel the need for some more alacantra and my steering wheel still needs doing plus the gear gaiter.