View Full Version : Thermostats for the 3VZ

05-06-2011, 13:45
I just wanted to check in with you seasoned 3VZ swappers regarding the thermostat. Something worth replacing while the engine is on the bench, of course.

I bought a replacement Thermostat, and am ab out to fit it, but noticed its quite a bit shallower than the original (see pics below). The original is in good working condition, the engine has done less than 50k miles (I'd expected it to be in poor condition, as the car had been sitting idle in a barn most of life).

The new and old 'stats both passed the boiling kettle test:


the new one is on the left:


..and here they are open a bit more:



- and another question, that fat pipe that comes out of the thermostat housing, I'm amazed its only an "O" ring keeping the water from leaking, is that an area of potential grief??


05-06-2011, 14:12
Toyota do appear to have changed they T.Stat design at some point. My new and old are as per the photo
Never had any problems with it running the new style, temperature has always been dead center on the dial.

Actually, on second inspection, it looks like you're taking out the style that I put in, and putting in a different type. Is your new one a genuinte Toyota, or a motorfactors part?

05-06-2011, 17:50
Thanks Steve. Mine is not a genuine Toyota, and I'm worried it might not be correct (the diameter and opening temp are right, but I'm not sure if the depth of the thing is relevant)

05-06-2011, 18:08
Ahh, that makes sence then, It would appear the genuine thermostat has exchanged on the Camry before I bought it, and I swapped it back to genuine when I rebuilt. When I bought the car, it had massive overheating problems and a failed headgasket, so make of it what you will. I tend to go for genuine items when they're affordable.

10-06-2011, 14:14
My main toyota place wher I am in Ireland want 36.75 plus vat for the 3VZ Thermostat ,the gasket is separate & is an additional six euro & P&P. Seems a bit dear, can anyone recommend a reasonably prices genuine Toyota online parts supplier (in UK?)..



10-06-2011, 14:23
Try asking here twosRus.co.uk (http://www.twosrus.co.uk/index.php/) it's under new management and he can get almost any genuine Toyota part :icon_biggrin:

10-06-2011, 17:07
I get mine from here:
Don't worry about the website, it's a bit crap, just email Chris the part numbers you need.

16-06-2011, 14:35
Thanks for the tips guys, appreciate that, and interesting to hear Twosrus is under new mgmt, I think it needed that