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View Full Version : battery relocation, again!

03-11-2005, 16:13
anyone got pics of how they mounted the battery in the frunk? also, what did you use to fit it down?

Am gonna do this soon so that its ready for the 1.5 conversion!

I take it you just run the live wire from where it is down to the front. What about the earth? do you just make a new earth point in the front or run the earth from the rear down?

Paul Woods
03-11-2005, 18:19
A new earth up front is fine so only one thick cable to run aft!

The first swap related thread i ever posted on TB was about the battery relocation....


03-11-2005, 20:59
what should i do with the spare earth at the back?

Paul Woods
04-11-2005, 06:32
Earth it!!! its the earth cable for the engine block,you can chop off the bit that used to go to the battery but you MUST earth the engine,i even fit extra earth straps,you dont want the starter earthing through the throttle cable=v nasty!

04-11-2005, 08:46
I'm going to buy loads of battery cable and do several earths around the engine then connect em all to a specially made point on the chassis - star/circle earthing I believe it's called. Especially useful on the MR2 as there seem to be quite a few cases of the stock earths failing and fires resulting.

04-11-2005, 09:37
so the plan seems to be as follows:
get rid of the existing battery tray
connect the old earth up to the chassis in the engine bay
run a cable to the front(best way inside the cabin or underneath by the fuel tank??)
find a way to secure the battery
run a new earth from the battery to a point in the front.

Where can i get the connectors from for the batery terminals and the earth points? got cable!

Paul Woods
04-11-2005, 17:20
the connectors are available at motor factors or order over tinternet.....dan do you reckon theres any benefit to more than 2 earth straps? i heard one guy talk of more earths adding BHP=i smell bull! any real fact behind this?

05-11-2005, 11:12
there is a lot of talk on may forums about this whole earthing issues and you can buy kits that add about 10 earths to the engine it apparantly makes for a cleaner more powerful spark hence better burn, more power etc which in theory would work and also means the ECU doesnt have to struggle (dont really tthink it would anyway) to read all the info from sensors ! I think there is sound theory behind it but dont think it would add power but maybe make all the electrics work perfectly but who knows !

Paul Woods
05-11-2005, 14:48
im doubtful of the whole theory sam,if you have one good mega earth and the whole engine has 100% continuity to it it wouldnt matter if you added a hundred earths to it,it would still have the same perfect continuity....so how can it really help? unless im not looking at it properly?

05-11-2005, 14:55
Paul I agree as long as that one mega earth is absolutly spot on then I wouldnt see the need for more than one but I guess this system is trying to make sure there is a perfect earth ! I dont go with the theory it will give you "more" power but I do think a perfect earth will make sure you have a more efficient burn which will release more power thats there anyway but not make more power so to speak !

Paul Woods
05-11-2005, 15:02
yep agreed,but in all honesty how many of these cars arent earthed properly? the first sign you would get of a poorly earthed engine would be slow cranking as the starter draws the most current of anything on the engine...i think its another one of these automotive sugar pills!

But id be willing to be proved wrong by someone with one of these kits on a dyno,now that would be interesting!