My absolute pleasure sir! Glad that engine finally reached its destination, it's covered quite a few miles since it came out of the Sienna!

Having seen your garage I think you've got quite a challenge ahead, don't forget at some point you're going to be sitting on an engine and gearbox plus the 2Gr so it's going to be a squeeze.

If you can use that beam overhead then a block and tackle is going to save you a lot of room, you could probably pick up the whole rear end and get it to a working height.

Your real fun bits will be getting the 2.0 dropped out and manhandled away from the car, and of course getting the 2GR and box back into place.

Give me (or someone) a shout as those are deffo 2 man jobs. I've done them on my own in the past and although it's doable, you need to be in two places at once when lowering / raising an engine.

The other thought I had was that you could put some fix points on the side walks of your garage and then sit the car on a beam / bar so it wouldn't need to go on ramps or stands. I've seen that done before, and it means you can use notches to set the height you want the car at.

Any plop, keep us all updated and lets see some more pics of that car! Those wheels had me scratching my chin!

